Using a docker registry as a distributed layer cache for CI

This is a short blog post to cover a feature I hadn’t realised existed in docker: using an existing image as a source for layer caches.

The problem

At a lot of my workplaces we’ve often had at least one project that fits the following profile:

Recently at my last contract we had exactly one of these. It was a node based build and the test suite itself was quite quick but the docker image build took quite a few minutes.

A solution

A lot of CI platforms have solutions for distributed docker layer caching (I know at least circleci and github actions have it).

At the time of writing this post this was not an option on our internally hosted bamboo CI. What we did have though, was an internal docker registry(using artifactory). I’d also recently learnt about docker’s --cache-from argument. This allows you to use an existing image as a layer cache for a build.

It’s also worth noting that the image we build is only used for running CI tests. We didn’t publish or deploy it, so we didn’t have to worry about publishing something that would fail tests or fail to deploy.

So we changed the CI job to do the following (instead of just a plain docker build)


# First pull the image to use as a cache
docker pull ${IMAGE} || true

# Build with the image as a cache. Any layer already built in the cache can the be skipped
DOCKER_BUILDKIT=1 docker build -t ${IMAGE} --build-arg BUILDKIT_INLINE_CACHE=1 --cache-from ${IMAGE} .

# Push back to the cache to keep the cache up to date.
docker push ${IMAGE}  

breaking this down a little:


In our case this pointed to an image on our local docker image registry. It didn’t exist at the start but the very first CI job to run the build would publish this image.


In order for cache metadata to be created in a built image buildkit must be used. This is supported from docker version 18.09. It can only build linux containers but this was not an issue for this particular project.


This argument tells buildkit to include the cache metadata in the generated image. This is what enables us to push this image and use it as a cache source.


This is the part that speeds up our build. Now the build steps can be skipped for any layers in the image that haven’t changed.

docker push ${IMAGE}

This final step keeps the cache up to date. If one of the layers has changed, for example if a dependency has been updated, then this new updated layer will be pushed to the cache so the next build will benefit from it.

Did it work?

So far, yes. The build times dropped and everything seems to work. One thing I really like about this solution is that updates to dependencies get automatically updated in the cache. In the past I’ve seen this problem solved by creating a “base image” with the dependencies bundled in. This added an extra manual step of bumping the base image whenever dependencies got updated. Using a cache skips this complexity.

So for anyone who wants to speed up docker build times and has a container registry available this is definitely something I recommend investigating.

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